Feb 25, 2016
Elise and Dave continue their examination of Hulu's adaptation of Stephen King's 11.22.63. Jake takes a break from his JFK headaches in this episode, spending a little time in scenic Holden, Kentucky, where young Harry Dunning and his family are scheduled to be slaughtered on Halloween night. If the past takes exception...
Feb 20, 2016
Elise and Dave begin their quasi real-time coverage of Hulu's much anticipated adaptation of Stephen King's 11.22.63 with an in-depth look at the show's debut episode. There's a lot to discuss here - from the relative ontological fixity of "major" and "minor" historical events (why would "time" care? wouldn't any change...
Feb 13, 2016
“I want to drive a truck straight through her head”: it's the Valentine's Day episode at AKoD! Where we're taking a look at a couple of under-appreciated movies about couples getting a second chance at happiness through a strange twist of fate, starring women struggling with unfortunate of-the-moment haircuts, three...
Feb 1, 2016
David and Elise contemplate the sweater chauvinism of Bing Crosby, the charms of William Bendix, whether or not women on the internet ogling Gene Kelly's butt is categorically different from objectionable objectification, the timeline of Scottish witch trials, and the pros and cons of purity-obsessed utopias that don't...