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Feb 26, 2017

We're here with our penultimate AMETHYST: PRINCESS OF GEMWORLD original maxi-series episode: 3/4, covering issues #7-#9. Amethyst gets a love interest and a nifty wedding outfit, while continuing to prove that STEM subjects are way more important than English to being a Gemworld ruler. There are more sad, creepy deaths...

Feb 26, 2017

Elise and Dave take a look at AMETHYST, PRINCESS OF GEMWORLD nos. 4-6, the point at which a 7-year-old Elise came in, in 1983. This run of issues features some of Ernie Colón's best artwork and two of the series' most memorable covers (as Elise can vouch), as well as some signs of hastiness. Dark Opal cranks up the...

Feb 26, 2017

Dave and Elise turn their attention to Elise's favourite non-team title from the 80s, Gary Cohn, Dan Mishkin, and Ernie Colon's AMETHYST: PRINCESS OF GEMWORLD maxi-series, and give an enthusiastic account of the first three issues (plus the preview in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES vol. 2 #298). Elise is depressed to...

Feb 26, 2017

Dave and Elise tackle New Teen Titans Vol. 1, Issues 10-12. Ask whether the Terminator's motivations, or plans, really make sense; debate whether Wonder Girl is in danger of a dub-con or non-con romantic relationship; rejoice at the first appearance of T.M. Maple. Dave concludes that gods can only be totalitarians...

Feb 26, 2017

Elise and Dave look at a milestone issue of The New Teen Titans, No. 8, “A Day in the Lives,” and have a few nits to pick. We ask searching questions, like: is Wonder Girl's feminism consistently presented? (Answer: no, because the comics have to have as many hot babes in them as possible.) Did George Perez make a...