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Jun 19, 2018

Subscribe to Red Time For Bonzo (a Marxist-Reaganist Film Podcast) on its very own feed, here: 


We search in vain for the man himself during our inaugural film (IMDB insists that he is among the angry mob at the governor's mansion), but we find a wealth of material for our Marxist-Reaganist manifesto in Warner Brothers' They Won't Forget.

Join us as we examine the progressive commitments of the Gipper's home studio and set the table for our ongoing exploration of mid-century American pop cultural politics. Along the way, Dave argues that Tump Redwine is in fact the hero of the film; Romy lays out a good faith murder case against Robert Hale; and Gareth launches his soon-to-be-famous Norbert "I Love Actresses!" Lusk reading series. You'll also meet immortals like Westbrook Pegler, Ward Greene, and Gloria Dickson. 

It's morning in Red Time For Bonzoland.

Intro Theme:

"Driving Reagan" by Gareth Hedges